The Unexposed Secret of Lucio Fontana

· 6 min read
The Unexposed Secret of Lucio Fontana

lucio fontana price  as art and life should be interspersed with one another because there is no point in maintaining a separation between the work of humans and human. The art of life is a form (creative energy sexual), who said that? This is the reason why the most fascinating art is one it talks about life that unravels various experiences, details, curiosities, perspectives.

When it comes to life, it is necessary to defy the notion of a perfectionism that can be achieved (in order to respond to expectations of this sort, the only art we could refer to is the cinema). Failure is the hallmark of being Human The stumbling block upon which we've every one of us at one time or another: lack of judgement, haste, fear, anger, the incessant need for control and security, wrong choices. Do you think you've not made any of these mistakes?

Open: new perspective from which to see
If we fall, we injure ourselves more or less and are prone to judge the fall as a mistake, or to make the mistake a fault because our expectations hold of ourselves and other people. The injury is actually the point that we are able to see the truth, from which we stop taking refuge in the false notion of perfect (which if it were such would not be a problem) and examine the things that are broken: we look through the wound and examine ourselves.

Fontana cut her hair with the consciousness that breaking and opening is and tearing as destruction is often the most powerful creative act, all the more so in a society in which, even from a young time, we are ensconced in a strong, impregnating model of belief and values. It is no coincidence that Fontana declared in 1963 during the course of an interview Nerio Minuzzo:

"The critiques always criticized me, but I never worried about it, I went on regardless and I never took the salute of anyone. In the past, they have called me "the one that has the holes', with some pity even. Today, I realize that my cuts and holes have a cult following, are accepted and have even found practical uses. In theatres and bars they create ceilings using holes. Since today, as you can see, even the people on the street can appreciate the latest designs. The artists are the ones however, who are the only ones to understand more '.

When Fontana refers to streetspeople, he invokes the imagery of imperfection, in which the hole represents the same as any other where the transformation of life can be seen. Fontana isn't afraid of dirt , nor of the brutality of creative expression He throws tar onto an artifact made of plaster of a man and calls the sculpture 'Black Man'.

A few years later, the cut is transformed into the conquest of space, in the sense of an attempt to overcome sculpture and painting through an entirely new space that combines them both and a break with verticality, in favor of the possibility of crossing. , which is triggered by exhaling and inhaling the canvas, is reminiscent from afar, in a more sophisticated and bourgeois sense, of the work that Gina Pane later did on her skin. The gesture is nonetheless the immortal character in the context of the art will eventually be destroyed. The wound and the cut are border, path and exchange. The artist opens the canvas in two and declares its finiteness; the holes transform into black holes that provide the illusion of depth and reveal the vastness that we never be able to comprehend.

Wait: new things we don't yet know
Fontana described the cuts as 'Waits', openings that allow new and unique things emerge which we don't are aware of.

When we make a mistake, when we hurt or hurt another, we have a waiting time before the reaction. It starts with the shock of the mistake and the failure to be over, then figuring out what path to take to make up for it or get away with it; then we wait for the consequences of the fracture, that mistake and the possibility of an amazing resource. It could also be a waste of time.

Few understood (and understand) this philosophy since they constantly judge the way that human beings and reality ought to be, and how they should be compared to the dual nature on the wall. We keep fighting every inch of our being the best ways, the best way to appear and be as a person in the society, that we rely on rules that eventually define Normativity.

Nothing could be more incoherent. Convinced that we know everything that we do, we compare our standards to every organism and ecosystem in the world However, we see it from a narrow , biased viewpoint which has nothing to do with reality. Anthropocentrism, but also personal interpretations of the other which are often not the most accurate.

Accept: no perfection in the strict sense.
lucio fontana  applies to this society that wants us to do our best at all costs, without considering that, instead of increasing standards, we need to learn to be more accepting of things just the way it is. Do we accept pain? Do we accept death? Do we accept body parts? Do we accept diversity? The most important thing is, once we accept, do you respect our differences?

In most cases, we resort to invisibilising what does not coincide with the "perfect" nature of our little world or universe. It makes us feel angry, shocked, and disgusted to be pushed aside, or swept under the carpet, and so we manifest our imperfections, which we actually are, but we refuse to accept it.

Being aware of one's limits is crucial, as is realising the interconnectedness of everything in the world system. Either we are ALL placed in a position to give our best, or there is no competition or effort worthwhile with the sole motive of fostering inequalities. It's great and great that some people after long hours have achieved it and were so fortunate. But in the broader sense, constantly stretching the boundaries just a bit further, it will be 'a perfection' in an imperfect setting; there is no "perfection" in the absolute sense.

Could this ever exist?

Cut: let the truth in
It is possible to say that Fontana was a tyrant, as from the very beginning he rejected the easy ways to be successful, opting instead to explore the unknown and the uncertain, that is to say: abandoning the notion of being the only that was successful, he pursued the path of study which led him to discover some truths.

In my personal perspective, Fontana is the one who tears open the veil and lets the light through, even if there are black sails that obscure in the background. A spatial artist as well as one of the forerunners of that art understood not only as a work but also as a gesture an act, in and around it. as a result of action in space, and performance as the activation of narrative, of which much is practised today.

His cuts are a great example of these, opening new perspectives for art and new perspectives on the world , and new questions. The wound for this, is not just pain, the wound highlights mortality, brevity, uncertainty and fragility. The wound makes us think as well as make us doubt the way we think, and this is very important to ensure that we remain in the right place. As hard as it is to be a victim and as difficult as, in a perfect tale of life, it would be great (and appropriate) to gain knowledge only through positive reinforcements. As long that we as a nation are unable to stop one another's pain as as our own, we're stuck in the unsolved, and to live in an unfulfilled reality.

Let us take pleasure in the cinema and its happy endings, its perfection so taken as a given and which we misunderstand and take as a model for life since the visual arts contrary to what they appear are the children of suffering, and any artist, to tell a piece of truth, had to traverse the pain.